MAXIMIZE Physical Recovery



  • NCEP shares with you the FOUR pillars of RECOVERY.


  • The first pillar is all about PHYSICAL recovery. NCEP Fitness is the only fitness certification that features TheraGun in their curriculum.


  • Within postural dysfunction, or other forms of poor posture, muscles are either tight or loose.


  • Scientific terms lead us to refer to tight muscles as facilitated, and loose muscles as inhibited.


  • Percussive therapy is the most effective tool to correct both facilitated and inhibited muscles.


  • NCEP shares which muscles are either facilitated or inhibited based on a person's postural dysfunction.




Hey! This is Mike DeMora, and in this video, we are going to go over one of our four pillars of recovery. And in this recovery pillar we're going to go over now is the physical, Okay? So we could have went so many different ways when we talked about the physical recovery, but what I'm really going to focus on is posture. If you know anything about NCEP, you know that everything is based upon posture and what you do with posture. Now, what is the definition of posture? Posture is the way your normally hold yourself, the way you normally move. Whether it's a moving posture, a static posture, it's the way you normally do things, right? So remember that if you are in bad posture, and you normally hold yourself a certain way, that means there are going to be muscles involved that are not quite right. What I mean by that is, there's going to be some muscles that are always going to be tight, and other muscles that are always going to be loose.


Now, we use some more, I don't know, more fancy terms for this. Like a tight muscle, according to Vladimir Yonda, the father of functional training, my hero, my mentor, you will know that he uses the term fascilitated. A muscle that's constantly tight, constantly has too much neural signal is called fascilitated. A muscle that doesn't have enough neural signal and, quote on quote, will be loose, is called inhibited. So what we want is we want to do is identify what muscles on your body, & when I say your, as in your client, what muscles on your client's body are fascilitated and what muscles are inhibited. Any muscle that's fascilitated we want to try to loosen, right? Or we want to try to release. Any muscles that's inhibited we want to what, turn on, or we want to get more neural signal there. So what we've done is, we've broken the movements down into three quote on quote postural dysfunctions.


Now, I don't know how far you are on your training continuum, or how deep you've gotten into your studies, or if you've even learned about postural dysfunctions, but I'm assuming that you probably have gone through the NCEP standard personal training certification. And if you look in one of our deeper chatpers, typically it's chapter 14, you'll see our three postural distortion patterns.


Let's go over the three just real quick, so you get some kind of an idea. The first one we call, a rounded shoulder forward head. Now it's typical when your chin juts out, you know, your head is forward and your shoulders are rounded. One of the things you can see is if your palms are facing backwards when you're standing there. That mean's you're going to have what we call rounded shoulders. Okay. That would be our first pattern.


The second pattern, you know, some people call the J Lo, right? It means your butt is sticking way far out in the back, which means it's the anterior pelvic tilt. So your pelvis is rotated forward, your butt sticks going. That's going to be pattern number two.


Pattern number three, we call pronation distortion. And these are the people that if these are my feet, their arches cave in right, their arches cave in often times, their feet are pointed out like a penguin, doo doo doo doo doo, and the knees want to cave in. Knees wanted to cave in, this is called pronation distortion pattern. These three patterns are specific to people who move in particular ways. We're going to teach a little bit about that by looking at the overhead squat, when a person does a squat, you'll see these patterns pop up. Now, in some of the videos that come, we're going to use our fitness model, and you're going to see the different things that occur as they move right.


Now, if they have these postural issues, you know that whatever workout you place upon them, whatever stress you place upon them, they're going to have greater stress, Where? In the muscles that are already tight, or what Dr. Jonda would call fascilitated, these muscles need to be released. These muscles need to have the neural signal go.


Now we've paired up with a company called TheraGun. We are now training partners with Theragun, exclusive training partners, we're the only personal training certification allowed to teach theragun in our curriculum. We take pride in that. Now, when we talk about Theragun, what is it? Well, it's what they call a massage gun, or percussive therapy. Let me show you what something like that looks like, this, right? And as you can see, it even has our little NCEP symbol on it, the whole nine yards. Like I said, partners with Theragun. What you do is you turn this on, and you roll it on the muscle. So let me show you, now it's a little bit loud, but you put it on the muscle, you hold it there on whatever muscle. So whatever muscle is tight or fascilitated, you use this, go over it for a specific length of time, and the muscle will then release.


Now, if you use this consisitently on your tight muscles, do you think it would aid in recovery? Well, absolutely it would. It will speed up the recovery process. So when we talked about some of the other folks, when they work out really hard and now all these muscles are tight, and they're holding up so much stress in their muscles and everything's tight. Do you, or can you see where using something like a massage therapy tool would release a lot of that stress? Well, it really does. It's like getting a massage everyday for free, and that's what we want to teach you.


So our whole science behind the physical stress is to release the physical stress through using massage gun, and in particular different types of application, depending on whether the muscle is fascilitated or it's what, or it's inhibited. And once again, in the following videos, we will go over where, when, and how you use each thing to help your clients and of course, to help you. Well, thank you very much. I'll see you in the next video.